University of Notre Dame



The University of Notre Dame is located on the north side of South Bend, just a few minutes from downtown. From US 31, head into South Bend then follow the signs to the Notre Dame campus.

Parking can be challenging on campus. It will be easier to find parking during the summer, or in the evening when classes are over. We do not recommend coming to campus on Notre Dame football gamedays (at least not for birding).


Woods, lakes, urban.


Link to Google Maps

  • St. Joseph’s and St. Mary’s Lakes - There is a trail that goes around the two lakes, giving great views of the water. It is mostly wooded, so there are great opportunities for birds all around. During the winter, many duck species inhabit the lake.

  • Walnut Grove - Northwest of St. Joseph’s lake there is a paved bike trail that runs through a planting of Walnut trees. Although you are limited to the trail, there are great warbler species here in the spring and flycatchers during the summer.

  • Campus Buildings - You’re probably won’t see crazy birds among the buildings and classrooms on campus, but the campus is beautiful and worth a look if you haven’t taken the time to walk around before.


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